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National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) has implemented the possibility of concluding transactions with financial instruments outside organized capital markets through the Central Counterparty on a delivery versus payment basis.

From now on, capital market participants have the opportunity to enter into transactions with guaranteed settlement also on the OTC market. This initiative of NSSMC is aimed at increasing the options for capital market participants, improving the securitization of transactions and, as a result, increasing the number and volume of transactions with financial instruments.

This became possible due to the NSSMC Resolutiion No. 1086 on Peculiarities of Transactions with Financial Instruments Outside the Organized Market during Martial Law, which entered into force on September 10, 2024.

As a reminder, NSSMC has issued a license for clearing activities to the Central Counterparty, PJSC «Settlement Center for Financial Market Contracts».

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