is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


Information attacks on the NSSMC and its employees have recently become more frequent. Another wave of such attacks is being prepared.

Such materials contain false information, manipulations and are based on the subjective opinion of their authors, which is not supported by a verified source of information. In addition, the NSSMC’s employees are subjected to harassment and covert filming.

This is nothing more than pressure on the NSSMC’s team by certain individuals to destabilise its work. This is especially true when it comes to international cooperation for the benefit of the country.

The NSSMC is currently in the process of reform, which is one of the conditions for international partners to provide financial support to Ukraine. The dissemination of such inaccurate information comes at a crucial and important time. Such things have a negative impact on the image of the state and may lead to the suspension of financial support to the country during the war.

We urge the authors of such publications not to manipulate public opinion, to adhere to the Code of Ethics for Journalists and to take into account the global negative consequences for Ukrainian society due to the dissemination of false information.

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