Today, on June 30, 2021, the NSSMC approved the Resolution on issuance of licenses to conduct professional activities on the capital markets of the LLC Ukrainian Energy Exchange.
The Commodity Exchange was licensed to conduct trade organization activities on commodity exchanges and clearing activities to determine liabilities.
In addition, the NSSMC registered new rules of the company that comply with current legislation. To obtain licenses, the exchange has undergone a process of reorganization of its structure and has been preparing for this event for about half a year.
“This is the beginning of a new era in the capital and commodity markets. Today’s event is significant not only for market participants, but also for the regulator. After all, for the first time the NSSMC fully conducted the licensee registration procedure under the new rules. We hope that this is just the beginning, and in the future we will receive more than one package of documents from interested market participants”, – Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the NSSMC, said.
According to requirements of the Law of Ukraine on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Simplification of Investment and the Introduction of New Financial Instruments» dated 19.06.2020 №738-IX, commodity exchanges have to pass licensing procedure in NSSMC starting from 01.07.2021, if they wish to continue such activities.
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