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The NSSMC (National Securities and Stock Market Commission) draws the attention of market participants to the fact that the Regulation on the Procedure for the Issue of Shares, Registration and Cancellation of Registration of the Issue of Shares (Resolution No. 1308 dated 22.11.2023) has been published on the regulator’s official website by the link. 

It is worth reminding that the provisions of this document apply to joint stock companies that have resolved to:
– issue of shares,
– issue of shares through a public offering,
– increase or decrease of the authorized capital,
– termination of the company by liquidation,
– termination of the company through transformation,
– termination of the company by way of merger,
– consolidation or split of shares,
– cancellation of shares repurchased and/or otherwise acquired by the company without changing the size of the company’s authorized capital.

Also informs that Resolution No. 1309 dated 22.11.2023 came into force, by which the NSSMC recognized as invalid Resolution No. 98 dated 10.02.2022 on Approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for Issuing Shares, Registering and Canceling the Registration of Share Issuance. The Resolution was published in «Official Bulletin of Ukraine» dated 12.01.2024 No. 6, Article 310.

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