Our experts regularly monitor suspicious investment projects. This is an important part of our work, as we strive to protect the investments of Ukrainians and create a healthy investment climate in the market.
Currently, the NSSMC has more than 400 SCAM projects on its list. The list is available here.
Usually, such financial projects have bright advertising and offer a number of free bonuses, but hide legal information and do not have a proper licence. But these are not the only signs.
It is important for us that every potential investor carefully assesses the risks before investing. Therefore, we have prepared 10 key factors that may indicate that an investment project is suspicious. With these rules, you can check the project yourself, save your money, and help others avoid falling into the hands of fraudsters.
Save and invest safely!
If you have any information about potentially suspicious actions in the financial market, please report them to the NSSMC at [email protected].
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