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The NSSMC (National Securities and the Stock Market Сommission) has approved the Concept for the introduction of the legislative framework for covered bonds and securitization in Ukraine.

The purpose of the document is to define conceptual issues for the further development of the legislative regulation of covered bonds and securitization in Ukraine.

Among other things, the Concept provides:
– a description of the mechanisms for the issuance of covered bonds and the implementation of securitization, the main structural elements that are necessary for the issuance of covered bonds and the implementation of securitization;
– advantages of using covered bonds and securitization for the Ukrainian economy based on the experience of other countries that have already implemented these mechanisms;
– a conceptual description of the changes that must be made to Ukrainian legislation for the implementation of the main elements of securitization.
The document was approved by the Resolution of the NSSMC dated 14.02.2023 No. 139.

You can read the text on the official website by following the link.

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