European integration is the major foreign policy priority of Ukraine, and the further development and deepening of relations between Ukraine and the EU is carried out on the principles of political association and economic integration. The main strategic documents in this direction are the Association Agreement between Ukraine, of the one part, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the other part (the Association Agreement), as well as the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda. On 23 June 2022 , Ukraine was granted the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union by the European Council on the basis of the opinion of the European Commission on Ukraine’s application for membership.
After Ukraine implemented the 7 recommendations of the European Commission, which it received along with the candidate status, on 8 November 2023, the European Commission presented Ukraine’s Progress Report on the 2023 EU Enlargement Package, which notes progress in implementing fundamental reforms and recommends that Ukraine start negotiations on accession to the EU.
On 14 December 2023, the European Council takes a historic decision to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, after which the European Commission begins to develop a negotiating framework for Ukraine.
In January 2024, the European Commission begins the process of conducting an official screening of the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU law.
On 09 February 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved an action plan to implement the recommendations of the European Commission presented in the Ukraine Progress Report under the EU Enlargement Package 2023. The NSSMC is the responsible executor of the action plan and reports on the status of its implementation on a quarterly basis.
21 June 2024 – EU member states approve a negotiating framework for Ukraine.
From February to May 2024, the NSSMC participated in explanatory sessions between EU representatives and the Ukrainian delegation on the approximation of the candidate country’s national legislation to EU law. During these meetings, experts from the European Commission answered questions from representatives of the Ukrainian authorities on the implementation of EU law within each negotiated section.
On 25 June 2024, the first Intergovernmental Conference between Ukraine and the EU took place in Luxembourg, marking the beginning of actual negotiations on Ukraine’s membership in the European Union.
Since July 2024, the European Commission has launched the next stage of the official screening process and moved to bilateral meetings with candidate countries, during which Ukraine will present the state of approximation of national legislation to that of the European Union in each negotiated chapter.
The NSSMC will lead the Ukrainian delegation during the explanatory meeting on Chapter 6 ‘Company Law’ and participate in the meetings as a member of the Ukrainian delegation on the following chapters: 2 ‘Freedom of movement for workers’, 9 ‘Financial services’, ‘Economic criteria’, 4 ‘Free of movement of capital’, 24 ‘Justice, freedom and security’, 19 ‘Employment and social policy’, 17 ‘Economic and monetary policy’, 31 ‘Foreign, security and defence policy’, 27 ‘Environment, climate, civil protection’.