The National Securities and Stock Market Commission cooperates with persons who report in good faith possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offences and other violations of the Law of Ukraine on Prevention of Corruption (hereinafter – the Law). Persons who provide assistance in preventing and combating corruption are protected by the state. Therefore, if you become aware of facts of violation of anti-corruption legislation by employees of the NSSMC and have a reasonable belief that the information is reliable, you may report the facts.
The notification may be provided in the following ways:
In writing: by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] or by leaving a message in the “Trust Box” located at the premises of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (Sample Form of Corruption Report).
*Please note that reports submitted through the official website of the NSSMC, e-mail [email protected], must be sent with a scanned signature.
By phone: by calling the “Corruption Prevention Hotline”, which is open
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday to Thursday (lunch break from 1 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.)
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 45 on Friday (lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45).
(except weekends and holidays) by phone: 280-00-89.
The information in the message must contain one or more of the following features:
- violation of the restrictions on receiving gifts provided for in Article 23 of the Law;
- prevention and settlement of a conflict of interest;
- violation of the requirements for restrictions on joint work of close persons provided for in Article 27 of the Law;
- violation of the requirements on restrictions on concurrent employment and combination with other activities provided for in Article 25 of the Law;
- non-compliance with the legislation on ethical behaviour;
- violation of the financial control requirements provided for in Articles 45-46, 48-52 of the Law;
- violations related to organisation of work on prevention and detection of corruption;
- violation of the requirements for conducting a special inspection under Article 56 of the Law.
ATTENTION! Notifications are subject to consideration if the following details are available:
- name, surname, patronymic of the person who allegedly committed the offence, his/her position and place of work;
- the text of the notification containing information on the facts of a corruption or corruption-related offence or other violation of the Law that can be verified;
- surname, name, patronymic, address and signature of the person who sent the notification (author of the notification).
In addition, pursuant to Article 53 of the Law of Ukraine on Prevention of Corruption, reports of violations of the requirements of this Law made by an employee of the relevant body without specifying the author (anonymously) are subject to consideration. An anonymous report of a violation of anti-corruption legislation shall be considered if the information contained therein relates to a specific person and contains verifiable factual data.
The organisation of processing of the report (with indication of authorship and anonymity) is entrusted to the authorised unit for prevention and detection of corruption.
We remind you that the reporting of knowingly false information by a person entails liability under applicable law.
The authorised unit for the prevention and detection of corruption is the Corruption Prevention Department, headed by O.A. Odynokova.