is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine

The staff of the NSSMC is formed of experienced competent employees, many of whom have been working at the NSSMC for 10-15 years. However, the NSSMC is updating its staff, attracting young ambitious specialists to its ranks. Significant efforts are aimed at raising the professional level of the body’s employees and improving working conditions. Every year, several civil servants are trained in higher education institutions and get second and third profile education. There are many events which are organized regularly to improve the professional level of employees In order to professionally improve, update and acquire new skills, knowledge and abilities. A significant contribution to the professional development of employees of the central office of the NSSMC was participation in training seminars, trainings with the involvement of international technical assistance. When recruiting to the NSSMC, a careful competitive selection is carried out. The NSSMC website must publish information on the announcement of the competition to fill vacancies and a list of requirements for applicants. In 2020, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine of June 30, 2020 №260 / 2020 on Amendments to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of November 23, 2011 № 1063 a new maximum number of employees of the NSSMC was approved in the amount of 575 staff units.

21.02.2025 Kholodnova Iryna was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Strategic Planning and Development Policy Unit of the Strategic Development Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission;

21.02.2025 Kalayda Oksana  was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position  of Specialist of the  Registration of Documents for Receiving the Administrative Service Unit of the Single Window Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission;

21.02.2025, Garnaga Pavlo  was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Legal Unit of the Legal Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

20.02.2025 the selection for the vacant position was announced:

Head of the Management Coordination Unit – Assistant to the NSSMC Chairman

Position profile: file

17.02.2025 selection for the vacant position was announced:

Chief Specialist of the  Methodological Support of Financial Instruments Trading Activities Unit of the  Methodology of Regulation of Professional Securities Market Participants Department

Position profile: file

14.02.2025, Ilia BABYCHEV was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Internal Control Coordination Unit of the Analysis of Financial Statements of Capital Market Participants and Prudential Supervision Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

13.02.2025 the selection for the vacant position was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Legislation Development Monitoring Unit of the Strategic Development Department

Position profile: file

12.02.2025 the selection for the vacant position was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Strategic Planning and Development Policy Unit of the Strategic Development Department;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the Registration of Documents for Receiving the Administrative Service Unit of the Single Window Division.

Position profile: file

11.02.2025  the selection for vacant positions was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Legal Work Unit of the Legal Department;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the Bilateral Cooperation with Regulators of Other Countries Unit of the International Cooperation and Communications Department.

Position profile: file

06.02.2025 ODINOKOVA Olha was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Head of the Corruption Prevention Division of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

03.02.2025 the selection for vacant positions was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Accounting and Reporting Methodology Unit of the Accounting and Reporting Department;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the Analysis and Control of Budget Revenues and Expenditures Unit of the Accounting Methodology and Reporting Department.

Position profile: file

28.01.2025  the selection for vacant positions was announced:

Head of the Corruption Prevention Division;

Position profile: file

Head of the Internal Control Coordination Unit of the Analysis of Financial Statements of Capital Market Participants and Prudential Supervision Department;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the External and Internal Communications Unit of the International Cooperation and Communication Department.

Position profile: file

27.01.2025 VERTEBA Olena was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Head of the Registry Unit of the Functioning of the Financial Reporting Centre in XBRL Format Division.

27.01.2025 BOHDAN Yevhen was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of Depository Activities and Traders of the Stock Market Infrastructure Licensing Department.

20.01.2025 the selection for the vacant positions was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Internal Control Coordination Unit of the Department for Analysis of Financial Statements of Capital Market Participants and Prudential Supervision;

Position profile: file

17.01.2025,  POTAPOV Volodymyr was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Head of the Inspection Unit  of the Financial Monitoring and Inspection Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

17.01.2025 SACHENKO Andrii was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Unit  of Methodological Support for Activities on Organisation of Trade in Financial Instruments and Activities in Organised Commodity Markets of the Department of Methodology for Regulation of Professional Securities Market Participants of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

On 15.01.2025, the selection for vacant positions was announced:

Head of the Registers Unit of the Department for the Functioning of the Financial Reporting Collection Centre in XBRL Format;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the Department of Depository Activities and Traders of the Stock Market Infrastructure Licensing Department.

Position profile: file

08.01.2025 selection for the vacant position was announced:

Chief Specialist of the Unit  for Methodological Support of Activities for the Organisation of Trade in Financial Instruments and Activities in Organised Commodity Markets of the Department for Methodology of Regulation of Professional Securities Market Participants of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

Position profile: file

On 08.01.2025,  REVILO Yelyzaveta  was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Head of the International Standards Adaptation Unit of the Strategic Development Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

08.01.2025 CHALA Olena was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Methodological Support Unit of the Accumulative Pension System of the Methodology Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

07.01.2025 KRASNOSHCHOK Iryna  was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Chief Specialist of the Document Management Unit of the Document Management Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

07.01.2025 TROTSENKO Yulia was announced as the winner of the selection for the vacant position of Adviser on Classified Work of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

On 07.01.2025, the selection for the vacant position was announced:

Head of the Inspection Unit of the Financial Monitoring and Inspection Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission

Position profile: file

On 30.12.2024, the selection for vacant positions was announced:
Head of the International Standards Adaptation Unit, Strategic Development Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission;
Position profile: file
Chief Specialist of the Methodological Support of Activities in the Funded Pension System Unit,  Department of Methodology for Regulation of Professional Securities Market Participants of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.
Position profile: file

On December 27, 2024, a selection process was announced for filling vacant positions:

Advisor on the Regime and Secret Work of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission;

Position profile: file

Chief Specialist of the Document Management Support Unit, Document Management Department of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

Position profile: file

DOWNLOAD the Application for participation in the selection (Annex 3 to the Terms of Employment of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission).

DOWNLOAD Application for reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the selection (Annex 4 to the Terms of Employment of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission).

The NCSSM conducts a special check on the availability of corporate rights among the applicants for the positions specified in the Note to Article 56 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, paragraph 1 of the Procedure for conducting a special audit in respect of persons who are applying for positions which involve taking a responsible or particularly responsible position , and positions with increased corruption risk, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 25, 2015, No. 171, and for positions designated by the List of positions with high and increased The level of corruption risks approved by the decision of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of 17.06.2016, No. 2.

In addition to the posts specified in the Note to Article 56 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, the positions specified in the Procedure, which prescribe the engagement of a responsible or particularly responsible position, include:

  • the position of the President of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, a member of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the first deputy or deputy minister, a member of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, the National Commission that carries out state regulation in the field of financial services markets, the National Commission on Securities and the stock market, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the Chairman of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, the Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, his first deputy or deputy, member of the Center the National Electoral Commission, the People’s Deputy of Ukraine, the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Human Rights, the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, his first deputy and deputy, the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, his first deputy and deputy, a member of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, For the sake of national security and defense of Ukraine, his first deputy and deputy, the Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, his first deputy and Deputy, Adviser or Assistant to the President of Ukraine, Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine;
  • positions belonging to the civil service of the category “A” or “B”;
  • positions which, in part one of Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies”, are classified in the first-third categories;
  • positions of judges, prosecutors and investigators; positions to be replaced by the higher officers of the military; positions of directors, deputy heads of state bodies, whose jurisdiction extends over the whole territory of Ukraine, their apparatus and independent structural units;
  • positions of directors, deputy heads of authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, state bodies whose jurisdiction extends to the territory of one or several regions of Kyiv or Sevastopol;
  • positions of heads of state bodies, bodies of power of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, whose jurisdiction extends to the territory of one or several regions, cities of the republican in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or of oblast significance, districts in the city, cities of district significance.
  • positions to be replaced by senior military personnel.

The following positions have been approved by the Decision of the List of positions with high and higher level of corruption risks:

  • the post of the Head of the Office of President, his first deputy and  deputies;
  • positions of directors and deputy heads of structural divisions as part of separate structural subdivisions of the central office of the National Bank of Ukraine;
  • positions of directors and deputy heads of independent structural subdivisions of territorial departments of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine;
  • positions of heads of state enterprises, institutions, organizations, other business entities of state ownership and their deputies, whose appointment is carried out by state bodies;
  • civil service positions determined by the structure of state bodies whose jurisdiction extends over the entire territory of Ukraine, in the event of the inappropriate establishment of structural units;
  • positions in local governments:
  • first deputies, deputies of cities (cities of the regional, republican in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, rayon significance), heads of deputies of village and settlement heads;
  • positions of deputy chairmen of district, district councils in cities;
  • positions of deputy secretaries of cities (cities of the regional, republican in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, rayon significance), village and town councils;
  • managers of affairs of executive committees of city councils (cities – regional centers and the city of Simferopol, cities of regional, republican value in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea);
  •  chairmen of commissions on budget issues of the regions, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils (if they work at the council on a permanent basis).

Requests for verification of information about the existence of corporate rights should be sent to the central office of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (8 Moskovska Street, Building 30, Kyiv, 01010).


The Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Employees of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market is a generalization of the standards of ethical conduct, integrity and prevention of conflicts of interest in the activities of NSSMC employees, established by laws and subordinate legal acts, compliance with and enforcement of which are mandatory.

The document deals with the ethical behavior of the Commission’s experts, the principles of their ethics and behavior, the requirements and limitations for regulators, as well as aspects of prevention of corruption.

The provisions of the Code of Conduct apply to all employees of the NCSSM from the moment of appointment and familiarization with its provisions.

The Code serves as the basis for the formation of the ethics of the NCSSF staff, orientates the Commission’s experts in conditions of conflict and other circumstances of moral choice, promotes the formation of the need to respect ethical norms of conduct and is an important factor in ensuring the quality of performance of service tasks and responsibilities.

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