is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


NSSMC (National Securities and Stock Market Commission) closely monitors the activities of professional capital market participants within its authority, including the activities of JSC «UKRAINIAN EXCHANGE».

NSSMC informs that on June 05, 2024, a case of violation of the relevant legislation in relation to JSC «UKRAINIAN EXCHANGE» was considered. It is a violation of the requirements of paragraph 3 of part eighteen of Article 74 of the Law of Ukraine щn Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets.

It was established that the licensee, the owner of a significant share in the licensee, has among the owners of a significant share a person who was sanctioned in accordance with the Law of Ukraine оn Sanctions.

NSSMC imposed a controlling measure on JSC «UKRAINIAN EXCHANGE» in the form of revocation of licenses for conducting activities in capital markets and organized commodity markets.

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