is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


On this day, June 12, the Day of the Stock Market Worker of Ukraine is annually celebrated. So, sincere congratulations to everyone involved on this professional holiday.

For the third year in a row, a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the aggressor country has been going on. We have suffered irreparable losses and damage. However, each of us works every day for the victory and economic well-being of the state. We do not postpone important decisions for later, but act decisively now.

In wartime, we are working on long-awaited reforms for capital markets and organized commodity markets. And any transformation should start with yourself. Therefore, the regulator is on the threshold of important changes that will only show their effectiveness in the unity of like-minded people and faith in the success of the common cause.

We wish each of us not to lose our resilience and readiness to find the best solutions in the most difficult situations. We thank everyone for their professionalism, endurance and support.

We thank our defenders for the opportunity to live and work!

Together to victory!

Glory to Ukraine and its Heroes!

Yours sincerely

Chairman of NSSMC Ruslan Magomedov and Commissioners

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