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On December 15, 2023, the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) and the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine (BES) signed a memorandum of cooperation.

In general, the document establishes partnerships and provides for cooperation to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of both bodies for the economic development of Ukraine.
«Today, the financial system needs to consolidate the efforts of public authorities to create conditions for transparent, reliable market operations and proper protection of our citizens from fraudulent activities. We are pleased to partner with the BES, and I am confident in the effective results of our cooperation in the near future», said Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the NSSMC.

For his part, BES Acting Director Andrii Pashchuk emphasized that such cooperation not only strengthens the analytical component of the Bureau’s work, but also contributes to improving the current legislation and preventing new schemes of economic crimes.

«Currently, the main task of the Bureau of Economic Security is to prevent budget losses and identify potential risks. For our analysts to work effectively, we need to develop efficient mechanisms of cooperation with other government agencies, including information exchange. This is the only way to respond promptly to threats to economic security», said Andriy Pashchuk.

The NSSMC and the BES agreed to cooperate in the following areas of cooperation:

  • coordination of joint activities to combat stock market fraud and other offenses in the field of securities circulation;
  • providing, within their competence, mutual advisory assistance in identifying new atypical trends in stock market operations with the approval of relevant risk markers;
  • development of regulations and legislative initiatives aimed at minimizing threats and risks, in particular in the area on prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime in the securities sector.
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