The activity on the organization of trade in the stock market is the activity of the stock market for the creation of organizational, technological, informational, legal and other conditions for the collection and dissemination of information on offers of securities and other financial instruments and demand for them, conducting regular stock exchanges with securities and other financial instruments, centralized contracting of securities and other financial instruments in accordance with the rules established by such stock exchange, registered them in accordance with the law.
Trading activities in the stock market may include clearing and settlement of financial instruments other than securities.
The stock exchange is formed and operates in the organizational form of a joint-stock company or a limited liability company. It is formed by not less than twenty founders – securities traders who have a license for the right to conduct professional activity in the stock market. The share of one securities trader can not be more than 5 percent of the share capital of the stock exchange.
Members of the stock exchange may be exclusively securities traders who have a license to exercise professional stock market activity and have undertaken to comply with all rules, regulations and standards of the stock market.
The stock market activity is stopped by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission if the number of its members is less than 20. If within six months the acceptance of new members has not taken place, the stock exchange activity is terminated.